Upcoming Events in 2020
January 28, 2020
Details about FOSDEM and Mobile World Congress we will be attending.

Long awaited NC_1 update
January 24, 2020
Update that has been long overdue

NC_1 Shipping Update
April 01, 2019
Updates for the Necunos NC_1.

Necunos is co-organizing Infosec Hackathon for Journalists in Brussels
January 30, 2019
Necunos is committed to protecting journalists and their sources. The workshop or hackathon is organized for journalists to learn about cyber security and to give feedback on how Necunos can help.

Necunos NC_1 and NE_1 Press Release
January 03, 2019
Press Release for the Necunos NC_1 and NE_1.

New Website Launched - Q&A, New branding and more
December 21, 2018
New website design, new information released and new branding for the necunos

Necuno Solutions and Replicant Project collaboration
December 12, 2018
We are proud to announce our community collaboration with Replicant project

Necuno Solutions and Nemo Mobile collaboration
December 10, 2018
We are proud to announce our community collaboration with Nemo Mobile

Necuno Solutions and Maemo Leste collaboration
December 07, 2018
We are proud to announce our community collaboration with Maemo Leste

Necuno Solutions and WebOS Ports collaboration
December 05, 2018
We are proud to announce our community collaboration with LuneOS

Necuno Solutions and postmarketOS collaboration
December 03, 2018
We are proud to announce our community collaboration with postmarketOS

Necuno Solutions and KDE collaboration
November 29, 2018
We are proud to announce our community collaboration with KDE and Plasma Mobile

Publishing a Yocto based build system for Nemo Mobile
July 30, 2019
Publishing a Yocto based build system for Nemo Mobile

Cyber Security & Cloud Expo - Levels of Mobile Security
July 01, 2019
Overview of our trip to Cyber Security & Cloud Expo in Amsterdam.

Free as in Freedom of Speech - Part 2 Targeted Surveillance
May 16, 2019
In this miniseries we look at possible threats and solutions for journalists regarding mobile security.

Free as in Freedom of Speech - Part 1 Mobile security threats and defenses
February 08, 2019
In this miniseries we look at possible threats and solutions for journalists regarding mobile security.

FOSDEM19 and updated Q&A
February 07, 2019
It was great meeting everyone interested in Necunos and we have written some afterthoughts from the event

Necunos Shop is now open!
January 03, 2019
We are finally ready to take your orders of the Necunos NC_1. We are excited to provide this engineering unit to the communities.

Thoughts, our philosophies and the community.
November 16, 2018
Why has the innovation been stagnating in current mobile devices? The importance of FOSS mobile operating system communities and the interest in them is on the rise. Bringing privacy and security to the users is a goal we want to achieve and can only be achieved through the collaboration of companies and communities.

USB, the easy way in to a computer
November 09, 2018
USB has since its release been the easy way to connect peripherals and to transmit data between computer and another device. In this blog post we will go over some of the attack vectors it opens and what solutions one might take in mitigating them

Open hardware is secure hardware
October 05, 2018
The current landscape of hardware security and the recent claim on Bloomberg about "The Big Hack"

Phone Connectivity and its Backdoors
September 28, 2018
We look at connectivity issues currently in phones, possible solutions, and our decisions for our mobile device.

Securing the freedom of mobile, part 3
September 21, 2018
The third part in the series on mobile security and privacy. The Software.

Securing the freedom of mobile, part 2
September 14, 2018
Part two in the series on mobile security and privacy. The Hardware.

Securing the freedom of mobile, part 1
September 07, 2018
Start of a series on mobile security and privacy